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Reveal new insights with Pléiades Neo and Pléiades Neo HD15 data

Easy, flexible access to tasking and archive imagery through UP42

Pléiades Neo on UP42

30 cm spatial resolution imagery, offering unprecedented precision

UP42 makes it easy to order, access, and analyze Pléiades Neo data.

  • Acquisition capacity of 1 million km² per day
  • Daily revisits, anywhere
  • 6 spectral bands including Red Edge and Deep Blue
  • Mono, stereo, and tri-stereo acquisitions
  • Rapid tasking capabilities
  • 100% commercial resource availability
zoom11 PNeo Gibraltar 2021 HD

Solve key geospatial challenges

Earth observation at its best

Earth observation at its best

From optical and SAR to elevation, explore diverse, high-quality archive data tailored to support your every need.

Flexible AOI requirements

Flexible AOI requirements

Take advantage of our low minimum AOI requirements and only pay for the specific scene that you need.

Automate your ordering process

Automate your ordering process

Leverage our API or SDK to fully automate your discovery, ordering, and delivery process.

Transparent, pay-per-use pricing

Transparent, pay-per-use pricing

Our pay-per-use pricing model is simple and transparent, and lets you easily make purchases based on your AOI size.

Customer success

Customer success

Our team will accompany you every step of the way, offering extensive onboarding, guidance, and training.

Clear and concise documentation

Clear and concise documentation

Benefit from comprehensive documentation to help you figure things out fast.

Do you have questions?

Talk to our experts and place your order

Unlock new opportunities for revenue growth

More effective infrastructure monitoring

More effective infrastructure monitoring

With twice-daily imaging and 30 cm native resolution, infrastructure solution providers can keep a close eye on high-value assets, detecting change and yielding actionable insights.

Faster risk mitigation

Faster risk mitigation

The flexible API-first ordering process combined with rapid data acquisition allows emergency preparedness groups and insurance companies to quickly respond to unplanned events.

Highly accurate urban mapping

Highly accurate urban mapping

Map densely populated urban landscapes with more accuracy by leveraging very high resolution imagery. Generate highly accurate Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) with stereo imaging.

Deeper maritime tracking

Deeper maritime tracking

With the new Deep Blue band that penetrates the water column, get advanced insights on depth and water quality. Twice-daily imaging ensures effective port traffic monitoring while very high resolution improves ship detection.

Find out how UP42 can add value to your geospatial business

Access the UP42 console