

Grow and thrive with us

Our planet is undergoing rapid changes, and access to information alone is not enough. Collaboration is the key to implementing effective change. This is why we built a place where people, data, passion, and knowledge can come together to solve real-world issues quicky and effectively. You can read stories from our people here.

Whether you’re a data, engineering, marketing, HR, finance, or sales expert, we’re always looking for change makers that thrive in a collaborative environment and want to make a difference.

If this sounds like you, explore our current openings or come back in future to find the right opportunity.

Their words

"I value organizations that can bring together the human factor and a purposeful product, and this is what motivates my work at UP42.” — Tomris, Talent Acquisition Manager

location berlin

Visit us

On the Landwehr Canal

Umspannwerk Kreuzberg
Ohlauer Str 43, Berlin

office location