Aerial imagery unsplash

UP42 catalog

Archive imagery from the industry’s top providers

From optical to elevation, explore diverse, high-quality archive data tailored to support your every need.

Simplify the discovery and acquisition of Earth observation data.

Provider standardization

Provider standardization

We standardize offerings, so you can reduce time spent on different contracts, integrations, and compliance and maintenance needs.

Scalable ordering

Scalable ordering

Place thousands of orders a day. Use the same set of ordering parameters to integrate a new product in seconds.

Improved project planning

Improved project planning

Plan your projects with cost estimates, image previews, and sample data. Get near-instant delivery from multiple providers.

An ever-growing number of collections

Our catalog brings you collections from the industry's top providers. We're constantly expanding our catalog to ensure you find the right resolution, acquisition mode, and processing level.

Ever-growing collections catalog page

Image previews and cost estimates

Define your AOI, and specify date range and maximum cloud coverage. See real-time availability and image previews along with cost estimates for all products. Place orders and monitor their status, manage, and further process your data—all in one platform.

01 Catalog Selection

Effortless geometry management

Generate and store AOIs in your library, and make modifications such as renaming or adjusting coordinates. A shared library allows you to use AOIs within the catalog and data management interface.

01 Geometries Library L2

Sample data

Download free imagery directly on UP42. Browse through offerings from different providers before committing credits to your specific AOI and use case.

Sample data

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