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Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide. The collection contains data from 2021 to the present.

Technical information

Spatial resolutionPanchromatic: Very high resolution (50 cm)
Multispectral: High resolution (2 m)
Bit depth per pixel8‑bit
Standard deliveryA ZIP file containing the following files:

Data (GeoTIFF)
Metadata (XML, TXT)
Masks (SHP)
Visuals (GeoTIFF)
Thumbnails (JPEG, PNG)
Processing levelsPrimary: Level 1 with RPC
Georectified: Level 2A
Orthorectified: Level 4 and Level 4A
Spectral bandsPanchromatic 450–700 nm

Blue 450–520 nm
Green 520–590 nm
Red 630–690 nm
Near-infrared 770–890 nm
Spectral bands combinationBundle: panchromatic and 4-band multispectral (RGB and NIR)
Acquisition modeMono
Revisit frequencyEvery 4 days
Swath width23.5 km (at nadir)
Catalog data availabilityFrom 2021
Minimum AOI10 km2
Minimum charge12,000 credits

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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