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Hexagon Aerial — Europe 30 cm


Very high resolution 30 cm optical aerial imagery, acquired over Europe. The collection contains data from 2014 to 2020.

Technical information

Resolution30 cm
Spectral bandsRGB
Acquisition modeMono
Geometric processing levelOrtho
File formatGeoTIFF
Pixel coding8-bit
Revisit frequencyVariable
Minimum charge10,000 credits
Price after minimum chargeFrom 1500 credits per km2

Coverage map

The datasets are mostly covering urban areas from the following regions in Europe:

Hexagon Coverage Map Aerial 30cm

Explore the available areas in our console or see the GeoJSON file of the coverage map. For more information about data availability and acquisition per year, please refer to the Hexagon website.

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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