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Pléiades Neo HD15


Very high resolution 15 cm optical satellite imagery derived from Pléiades Neo data, acquired worldwide. The collection contains data from 2021 to the present.

Technical information

Spatial resolution15 cm (very high)
Acquisition typeMono
Bit depth per pixel8‑bit
Standard deliveryA ZIP file containing the following files:
Data: GeoTIFF
Metadata (XML)
Masks (GML, KML)
Thumbnails (JPEG)
Spectral bands450–520 nm (blue)
530–590 nm (green)
620–690 nm (red)
Spectral band combinations3-band: pansharpened (RGB)
Processing levelOrthorectified: Display
Minimum AOI25 km2
Revisit rate2 times a day
AvailabilityFrom 2021

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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