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Vexcel Aerial Imagery


Vexcel delivers geospatial data products with high accuracy, spatial resolution, and consistency. The Vexcel Data Program is the largest in the world capturing ultra-high-resolution imagery (at 5.5 to 15 cm resolution) and related geospatial data in more than 30 countries, including the U.S., Canada, U.K., Western and Eastern Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Technical information

Resolution- Oblique (Mosaic): 5.5-7.5 cm
- Ortho: 15-20 cm
- TrueOrtho: 5.5-7.5 cm
Data products-Oblique (Mosaic): Bundle with 2 combinations: 3-band true color (RGB) images captured at a 45° angle from north, south, east, and west cardinal directions; 3-band false color (RG and NIR) image captured at nadir
-Ortho: Bundle with 2 combinations: 3-band true color (RGB) image orthorectified using Vexcel Elevate DTM; 3-band false color (RG and NIR) image orthorectified using Vexcel Elevate DTM
-True Ortho: Bundle with 2 combinations: 3-band true color (RGB) image orthorectified using Vexcel Elevate DSM; 3-band false color (RG and NIR) image orthorectified using Vexcel Elevate DSM
Acquisition modeMono
Standard deliveryA ZIP file containing the following files:
- Data (GeoTIFF)
- Metadata (JSON)
Spectral bandsBlue
Bit depth per pixel8-bit
AOI sizeUp to 50 km2
Minimum AOI0.25 km2
AvailabilityAcquisition date range: 2018–2023

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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