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Dragonette-1 tasking


Medium resolution 5.30 m hyperspectral satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 times a day.

Technical information

Satellite constellationDragonette-1
Spatial resolution5.30 m (medium)
Bit depth per pixelAcquired as 12-bit and delivered as 32-bit in imagery
Delivery formatA ZIP file containing the following files:
-Data (GeoTIFF)
-Metadata (JSON)
-Masks (GeoTIFF)
-Overviews (PNG)
-Thumbnails (PNG)
Processing levelLevel 1B
Spectral bands23 bands
Spectral band center wavelength range (VNIR)503 nm-799 nm
Spectral sampling: band center-to-center7 nm-21 nm
Spectral resolution: bandwidth (FWHM)20 nm-32 nm
Acquisition modeMono
Revisit rateEvery 2 days
Swath width20 km
Minimum chargeAs per 100 km2

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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