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GÖKTÜRK-1 tasking


Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 3 days.

Technical information

ResolutionPanchromatic: 50 cm
Pansharpened: 50 cm
Multispectral: 2 m
Acquisition typeMono, Stereo, Tri-stereo
Spectral bandsPan: 450-845 nm
Blue: 435-554 nm
Green: 493-607 nm
Red: 606-717 nm
Near-infrared: 691-933 nm
Data productAvailable band combinations and bundles
- 4-band: pansharpened (RGB and NIR)
- Bundle: 1 panchromatic and 4 multispectral bands (RGB and NIR)
Pixel codingAcquired as 12-bit and delivered as 16-bit or 8-bit in imagery
Processing levelsPrimary (TOA)
Georectified (TOA)
Orthorectified (Surface reflectance)
Delivery formatA ZIP file containing the following files:
- Data (GeoTIFF)
- Metadata (XML, TXT)
- Masks (GML, SHP, KML)
- Visuals (GeoTIFF)
- Thumbnails (JPEG)
Positional accuracy< 10 m CE90 absolute
Revisit rateEvery 3 days
Swath width15 km
LimitationsInput: AOI at least 5 km wide
Cloud coverage: 0–15%
Output: AOI-clipped imagery
Minimum chargeAs per 75 km2

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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