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EROS-C tasking


EROS-C is the backbone of the EROS NG constellation which is comprised of three satellites providing 30 cm resolution ultra-sharp imagery. The satellite was launched into a mid-inclination orbit, resulting in high revisit rate and diverse imaging time, enhancing its information-gathering capabilities.

Technical information

Sensor typeOptical
Resolution30 cm (very high)
Spectral band dataPanchromatic: 450–900 nm
- 450–510 nm (blue)
- 510–580 nm (green)
- 630–690 nm (red)
- 770–900 nm (near-infrared)
Spectral bands combinations- Panchromatic
- 4-band: multispectral (RGB and NIR)
Geographic coverageGlobal
Geometric and radiometric processing level- Level 0A: raw imagery
- Level 1A: radiometrically corrected, not georectified
- Level 1B: radiometrically corrected, georectified
Bit depth per pixel8 or 16‑bit
Acquisition modeMono, Stereo, Tri-stereo
Incidence angleUp to 45°
OrbitSun-synchronous, at 500 km
Revisit rateDaily
Swath width12.5 km
Minimum AOI size100 km2
Minimum scene sizeMono: 12.5×12.5 km
Stereo: 12.5×24 km
Tri-stereo: stereo + 12.5×24 km

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

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