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Pléiades Neo tasking


Very high resolution 30 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 times a day.

Technical information

Resolution30 cm PAN and 1.2m MS
Swath14 km
Acquisition typeMono (multistrip), Single-pass stereo, and Tri-stereo
Processing levelPrimary, Projected, or Ortho
Spectral bandsRGB, NIR, Red Edge, and Deep Blue
Pixel coding12-bit native
Minimum AOI100 km2 for tasking
Minimum corridor width5 km
Revisit rateTwice-daily globally (46° off-Nadir)
Daily globally (30° off-Nadir)

Further information

For more information, please visit the technical documentation.

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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