
This year, UP42 tasking has come a long way, paving the way in our industry with an easy-to-use tasking product. Our order tracking capabilities have received some great feedback from our customers—from simple order tags to delivery footprint calculation, our features continue to enhance your ability to place large tasking orders and easily track and monitor them all the way to the end. In this post, let's explore a practical use case to learn more about how to simplify your tasking orders with superior tracking capabilities.

Creating tags while placing orders

Let's say we want to monitor vegetation surrounding Pulicat lagoon, an ecologically important wetland in South India.

Our documentation guides you through the process of placing tasking orders, step-by-step. While you’re creating the order, you can add tags which will help you stay on top of this order right until you receive the image deliveries. And of course, all of this can be done through our console, API, or SDK.

Tag image

For the purpose of this post, we’re skipping a couple of intermediary steps after placing the order, like checking and accepting your feasibility study. We’re more interested in how the tracking part of the order works, so let's jump to the Tasking orders page where you get an overview of all of your orders.

You can see the tags associated with each order on this page. You can search orders by tag name, and find the specific orders that you’re looking for. In case you’d like to edit tags associated with existing orders, you can add or delete tags on this page, giving you an additional layer of flexibility.


In this case, ‘island’ is the tag I use to search and find the status of my orders. As we can see, there are the three different orders associated with that tag, meaning three different AOIs for which tasking was initiated.

You can view the % of each order that is already delivered to your data management, along with the current order status. When you click on a particular order, you can view the exact footprint of the completed deliveries, along with the actual area in square kilometers for both delivered and pending orders.


Tracking order progress via API

One thing to remember about UP42: whatever you see on the console, we have the same or even better through our API. All of the above steps, from creating an order, adding tags, and tracking footprint and area metrics, can be done through our API.

We see that most of our active customers use the different endpoints that we offer to create their own custom notebook or app for order tracking—for example, you can get a list of all your orders through our Get orders endpoint, and then use the Get coverage endpoint to track order % and delivery area metrics.

Here’s a screenshot of a sample notebook where we query the status of our order by using tags.


Viewing your deliveries in data management

But we didn’t stop there. Finally, you can use our powerful data management solution to view the completed deliveries. At the click of a button, you’re taken directly from the order to your data management space, where the deliveries are visualized beautifully for you to check out.


Again, we make it really easy for you to search your deliveries by tags and find your tasking deliveries associated with order. The STAC-compliant delivery files can be visualized on a map, giving you a quick idea of the results.


The unified view in data management helps you manage your data assets more effectively, ensuring you have everything you need in one place. From here on, you could either download the results, stream them into your own solution or a third party tool, or further process the imagery with any one of our in-built processing algorithms.

These new features are designed to make your satellite tasking projects more manageable, giving you the tools you need to stay organized and informed at every step. Please let us know here if you have any feedback or questions for us.

Check out tasking on UP42 here.

Navaneeth Soori avatar

Navaneeth Soori

Product Marketing Manager at UP42

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