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Discover Planet's very high resolution imagery on UP42

50 cm resolution optical imagery acquired worldwide—available through the UP42 platform.

Planet SkySat constellation

Power your business with the world's leading high resolution optical satellite collection. With Planet SkySat imagery on UP42, you get real-time, high resolution data through the best-in-class EO platform.

  • 15 SkySat satellites in orbit
  • 50 cm resolution imagery
  • Capturing up to 5-7x a day
  • Archive and tasking ordering options

Archive data with very high precision

The SkySat constellation offers high precision optical satellite imagery ranging back to 2016, now available for ordering through the UP42 console, API, and SDK.


Order new SkySat imagery with UP42 tasking

Bypass the hassles of satellite tasking. Upload multiple AOIs, get instant price estimates, and get the benefits of UP42's advanced automation features when you task SkySat imagery on UP42.

Tasking - Planet

A simple way to manage and integrate your data

What happens when you place orders for Planet SkySat through UP42? Our data management solution makes it easy for you to stream images into your project workflows.

Data Management - Planet

Search and order multiple datasets with ease

Looking to combine Planet data with other collections? UP42 offers high-quality optical, SAR, and elevation data from top providers through an easy-to-use EO platform.


Build solutions faster with the UP42 platform

Onboarding & training

Onboarding & training

Our dedicated teams will accompany you every step of the way, offering comprehensive onboarding and personalized training.

Customer success

Customer success

Receive expert technical support with custom solution development and system integrations. Benefit from clear and comprehensive documentation.

Transparent and flexible pricing

Transparent and flexible pricing

Get instant price estimates early in your buying process, with volume discounts and custom pricing for larger projects.

Book a demo

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