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Pléiades Primary (Download)


Provides non-rectified, unprojected high resolution 12-bit Pléiades images. Available since 2012, these images are acquired by the twin constellation Pléiades 1A and 1B on a daily basis anywhere on the globe. These images are optimal for users familiar with remote sensing processing methods who want to apply their own production techniques (orthorectification or 3D modelling).

Technical information

Resolution50 cm PAN and 2 m MS
Acquisition typeMono, Stereo, or Tri-stereo
Geometric processing levelPrimary
Radiometric processing levelReflectance
Data availability2012-present
Incidence angleUp to 45°
Spectral bandsR (0.590-0.710 µm)
G (0.500-0.620 µm)
B (0.430-0.550 µm)
NIR (0.740-0.940 µm)
Panchromatic (0.470-0.830 µm)
File formatGeoTIFF
MetadataRational Polynomial Coefficients - provided for easier orthorectification and geometric processing.
Attitude and ephemeris data
Pixel coding12-bit
Coordinate systemWGS84
LimitationsThe AOI must be larger than 0.1 km2


Internal use: For customers who are using this data to perform their daily operations, and keep the dataset and all derivatives for internal use only.

Further infromation

For more information about geometric processing with RPCs, see the following online resources:

Pléiades User Guide
RPC Domain Metadata
GIS StackExchange
GDAL Documentation pages: RPC Georeferencing and gdalwarp

Terms & conditions

View the End User License Agreement conditions

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