How to improve LiDAR applications with satellite imageryIndustryWhat is LiDAR? Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) is an active remote sensing technology that maps…
An introduction to orthorectificationIndustryWhat is orthorectification? Orthorectification is the process of removing image distortions or…
Full spectrum: Multispectral imagery and hyperspectral imageryIndustryOf the total energy radiated by objects around us, we can only see a small part. Our eyes can only…
An introduction to zonal statisticsIndustryThe Earth's surface is complex. No two locations are exactly the same. However, based on certain…
Simplified data delivery with UP42 storageProductEarth observation data plays an important role in enhancing our capability to understand the Earth…
Introducing TerraSAR-X tasking on UP42ProductCompared to optical images, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery looks unusual. Whereas optical…