The importance of customer success in the Earth observation industry CompanyThe team Our customer success team is made up of three groups: Documentation - responsible for all…
Easier tasking project planning, hyperspectral data, and moreProductCheck tasking opportunities and feasibility before ordering 🛰️ Tasking orders often end up as a…
Streamlined order tracking and geometry management, streaming capabilities, and moreProductGet the right data for your project with expanded archive availability Beijing-3N: Another very high…
Improved tasking flow, advanced processing capabilities, new collections in the catalog, and moreProductRevamped tasking flow with enhanced order status and delivery tracking We released a new tasking…
Pansharpening: An initial view into our advanced analytic capabilitiesProductA preview into UP42’s advanced analytics capabilities If you’ve used a processing algorithm on UP4…
Strengthening geospatial data standards at UP42 with a new cloud-native asset modelProductThe solution? Assets in UP42 storage can be easily accessed and streamed! Earlier this year, UP4…