Agriculture Vertical


Optimize Agriculture Operations

Build intelligent solutions to increase crop yields, effectively manage field use, and save resources in an industrial farming environment.

Geospatial agriculture projects face a number of challenges

Minimum AOIs

Minimum AOIs

Building solutions for non-industrial agriculture can be prohibitively expensive because of the requirement to purchase minimum land areas to access imagery.

Interoperable data & analytics

Interoperable data & analytics

With a broad range of geospatial data and analytics developed for agriculture, it isn't easy to find data and algorithms that work effectively together.

Open, accessible systems

Open, accessible systems

Many off-the-shelf AgTech products are highly technical and not suitable for end-users, such as farmers, while building solutions based on these closed platforms' data is challenging.

Platform Image Agriculture


Build actionable agriculture products

Utilize a wide range of optical, radar, and weather data coupled with agriculture-specific algorithms to optimize farming and land use operations for your users.

  • No minimum AOI for archive imagery
  • Analyze crop health, optimize fertilizer distribution, and more
  • API and Python SDK to flexibly deliver insights to end-users

Use case spotlight

Drive every decision with data through precision agriculture

Regular high-resolution imagery

Either task a satellite for specific date ranges or use the latest archive imagery, filtered by date, cloud cover, and area of your customers' infrastructure.

Statistical indexes and machine learning

Out-of-the-box pixel analytics and machine-learning algorithms compatible with satellite imagery optimize agriculture processes.

Processing power that scales

Whether you are running workflows for a single farm or a large industrial agriculture complex, our infrastructure will manage the load.


Additional agriculture use cases built with UP42


The building blocks for agriculture solutions

Varied data types

Varied data types

High-resolution aerial, radar, and satellite imagery available with no minimum AOI and global coverage, ensuring you get data that you need.

Pre-processing blocks

Pre-processing blocks

Enhance image quality, convert input data, or clip raster images into tiles to ensure that your input image is ready for further analysis.

Indices, band math, and more

Indices, band math, and more

Pick from a range of soil and vegetative indices, zoning algorithms, land cover classification algorithms to get the insights your customers need.

Explore the platform

Create an account to order, access, and analyze geospatial data.

Get started