infrastructure vertical


Protect Critical Infrastructure

Build solutions to remotely manage, monitor, and optimize critical, high-value infrastructure, such as pipelines and utilities.

Geospatial infrastructure projects face a number of challenges

Requirement for regular imagery

Requirement for regular imagery

To detect change in the area around critical infrastructure, regular image capture is required. Minimum AOIs and expensive data purchasing can make this prohibitively expensive.

Multiple data types

Multiple data types

The use of multiple data types, such as satellite imagery and weather data, enriches infrastructure analysis. Access to disparate data sources can be a challenge.

Ad hoc or manual analysis

Ad hoc or manual analysis

Much of the analysis of infrastructure imagery is on-demand and interpreted by humans. This lack of automation wastes time and opens up the possibility of human error.


Infrastructure and Utilities

Develop scalable infrastructure solutions

Automate infrastructure analytics on a scalable, reliable platform, utilizing the latest satellite, aerial, and weather data coupled with cutting-edge algorithms.

  • A bespoke tasking service to regularly capture your AOI
  • Purpose-built algorithms, such as change detection
  • An affordable, transparent, pay-per-use pricing structure

Use case spotlight

Detect encroachment on your customers' infrastructure with UP42

Stereo satellite imagery and DEMs

Either task a satellite for specific date ranges or use the latest archive imagery, filtered by date, cloud cover, and AOI, combined with elevation models.

Change detection processing blocks

Access change detection and land use algorithms to give your customers the insights they need to monitor and prevent encroachment on their infrastructure.

Trigger regular processing via API

Run your encroachment detection analytics workflows on a regular basis or when new image data becomes available through the powerful UP42 API.

detect encroachment

Additional infrastructure use cases built with UP42


The building blocks for infrastructure solutions

Varied data types

Varied data types

Our marketplace offers various open and commercial data sets, from satellite and aerial imagery to weather data.

Pre-processing blocks

Pre-processing blocks

Enhance image quality, convert input data, or clip raster images into tiles to ensure that your input image is ready for further analysis.

Machine-learning algorithms

Machine-learning algorithms

Pick from a range of object identification, area classification, and change detection algorithms to suit your customers' requirements.

Explore the platform

Create an account to order, access, and analyze geospatial data.

Get started