Easier tasking project planning, hyperspectral data, and moreProductCheck tasking opportunities and feasibility before ordering 🛰️ Tasking orders often end up as a…
ASTERRA: Earth observation that sees below the surfaceIndustryWho is ASTERRA? ASTERRA provides subsurface soil moisture insights for many sectors, including water…
Leveraging SAR and elevation data to assess the potential scale of flood damageIndustrySeeing through dark clouds While most people associate geospatial data with optical color images…
Streamlined order tracking and geometry management, streaming capabilities, and moreProductGet the right data for your project with expanded archive availability Beijing-3N: Another very high…
Improved tasking flow, advanced processing capabilities, new collections in the catalog, and moreProductRevamped tasking flow with enhanced order status and delivery tracking We released a new tasking…
Why we created a survey: The state of Earth observation in 2024IndustryWhy a survey? We talk to partners, customers, and potential customers all the time. But it's usually…