

Looking to order new imagery for a specific date and AOI? Explore UP42's satellite tasking options.

  • This high-resolution elevation model offers 50 cm resolution based on Pléiades Neo stereo and tri-stereo imagery with exceptional 3D photorealistic quality. This high resolution and accuracy support new use cases, like digital twin visualization to simulate smart city concepts, or replacing the need for drone or aerial data in the mining industry. Available as a digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DTM).
  • Based on Pléiades stereo and tri-stereo optical satellite data, Elevation 1 digital elevation models deliver highly precise altimetric information. Available as a digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DTM), Elevation 1 is ideally suited for areas with little vegetation and few buildings.
  • Based on Pléiades stereo and tri-stereo optical satellite data, Elevation 4 digital elevation models deliver highly precise altimetric information. Available as a digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DTM), Elevation 4 is applicable for any kind of relief – urban or environmental.
  • Medium resolution 2.50 m optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 3 days.
  • Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 4 days.
  • Very high resolution 30 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 5 days.
  • High resolution 83 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 7 times a day.
  • Very high resolution 50 cm SAR satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 5 times a day.
  • Medium resolution 5.30 m hyperspectral satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 times a day.
  • EROS B provides very high resolution 50 cm imagery and is characterized by its extreme agility and low weight, which enables the acquisition of multiple scattered targets in a single pass.
  • EROS-C is the backbone of the EROS NG constellation which is comprised of three satellites providing 30 cm resolution ultra-sharp imagery. The satellite was launched into a mid-inclination orbit, resulting in high revisit rate and diverse imaging time, enhancing its information-gathering capabilities.
  • OroraTech is a thermal-infrared data intelligence company that monitors Earth’s temperature continuously on a global scale. The satellite-based camera FOREST-1 is designed to quickly capture thermal-infrared data and transmit critical information to decision-makers on the ground.
  • Medium resolution 20 m optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 3 days.
  • Very high resolution 40 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 days.
  • With 9500+ local professional drone operators in 142 countries, Globhe provides access to the world’s largest drone data marketplace. Globhe enables you to get high-quality drone data quickly and at scale, delivered in a cost-efficient and environmentally friendly way.
  • Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 to 3 days.
  • Very high resolution 50 cm SAR satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a daily revisit rate.
  • Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 days.
  • Very high resolution 40 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 3 days.
  • High resolution 85 cm SAR satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 days.
  • Very high resolution 10 cm optical aerial imagery, acquired over the US with a revisit rate of 5 times a day.
  • Very high resolution 30 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 2 times a day.
  • Very high resolution 50 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a daily revisit rate.
  • High resolution 1.50 m optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 3 days.
  • High resolution 70 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 4 times a day.
  • Very high resolution 25 cm SAR satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 11 days.
  • High resolution 80 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a daily revisit rate.
  • Very high resolution 25 cm SAR satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 4 days.
  • High resolution 87 cm optical satellite imagery, acquired worldwide with a revisit rate of 8 days.

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